In bio 11 out of all the dissections that we have done, the grass frog was the most diverse. The grass frog is from the phylum vertebrata class amphibia. Animals in this phylum and class have an inner body that is similar to the human inner body.The inside of the frog was very similar to the human body. It had many organs like a liver, kidneys, lungs, a heart, a pancreas, intestines and a gall bladder and a brain They also have a spinal cord. All of these organs look similar to the ones humans have. The lungs of a frog are like the lungs of a human that serve the same purpose which is circulating oxygen. Frogs also have brain which helps with their nervous system and the heart helps pump blood throughout the body. They also have intestines for digesting food.
The grasshopper is different than the frog. The grasshopper is from the phylum arthropoda. The grasshopper has different features than the animals from the phylum vertebrata like the frog. Grasshoppers have walking legs and jumping legs. The smaller set of wings are hidden underneath the bigger set of wings. Grasshoppers have spiracles which are for respiration. Air goes through the spiracles and filtered by hairs in tubes called tracheae. Grasshoppers have compound eyes and simple eyes. Female grasshoppers have an ovipositor that they use to lay eggs and they have ovaries. Grasshoppers also have salivary glands, a mouth, a heart, a ventral nerve cord, a stomach , a rectum and an anus. The outside of a grasshopper is an exoskeleton.
The starfish is from the phylum echinodermata. Starfishes are not very complicated animals and they don;t have many organs. The outside of the starfish is "spiny skined". Starfishes have five arms/points. Starfishes have a water vascular system. Radial canals with bulbs are on the inside and tubed feet extend out from the bottom surface. Starfishes have external fertilization where sperm and eggs are release into the water.
They have a complete digestive system with the mouth in the bottom and an oral surface in the middle.The cardiac stomach comes out of the mouth to digest prey externally. It then sucks the prey in to the pyloric stomach and anus.Many digestive glands fill the arms. They have asexual reproduction and they can regenerate lost limbs. They have no brain. Instead they have eyespots on the ends of their arms to detect light. They have bad respiration systems. They use diffusion through tube feet. Excretion is also through tube feet.
The earthworm is from the phylum annelida. Worms from this phylum are found in wet, moist areas. It's digestive system goes throughout it's body starting form the mouth and ending at the anus.Food, waste and respiratory gasses go through the same goes through the same circulatory system. It breathes through its skin, which is different than the frog because the frog has lungs that help it breath. It has a central and peripheral nervous system. Earthworms are hermaphrodites which means that it has both male and female organs. This is different than animals in the phylum vertebrata because they have separate male and female animals. Earthworms don't have a skeleton. It is similar to the roundworm which is in the phylum nematoda but is not similar to grasshoppers. Earthworms are segmented. The sexual organs are found in segment 9 to 15.
Ovaries and oviducts in segment 13 release eggs through female pores that are found in segment 14. Sperm is release from segment 15. Earthworms can regenerate lost segments which is similar to the starfish that is in the phylum echinodermata but this varies between the type of earthworm specie and how much damage it is.
The roundworm is found in the phylum nematoda. More than half of the worms in this phylum are parasitic like the roundworm. The roundworm
Good information Gurleen - is there more coming? Published mid sentence?