Question 1
-evolution video;postID=8328715403799566122;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=6;src=postname
-evolution booklet
I chose these activities on evolution and natural selection because I feel like I learned the most about evolution and natural selection by doing these activities especially the DNA video that Harkirat and I did. For the video we had to decide ourselves what we where going to say and what we thought was important to put in the video. Also we had to draw or represent each topic in the video and that also helped us have a better understanding of the topic and helped us to see how much we knew.
-Final First Question
I chose the post about the different types of phylums that we dissected becuase I thought it represented the requirements of living things the most out of all my other blog posts. I researched the roundworm from the phylum nematoda, the erathworm from the phylum annelida, the grasshopper from the phylum arthropoda, the starfish from the phylum echinodermata and the frog from the phylum vertebrata. Dissected these organisms helped me understand the complexity and simplicity of each phylum. For example the frog and rat were more diverse and complex inside and out form the roundworm and earthworm. I found that each dissection helped me understand how each organism lives and what it needs to survive.
In biology 11 we did a lot of researching on the internet and looking for organisms that we found interesting and one of the most interesting organisms that I had found was the Cordyceps, which is a type of fungi that takes over and organisms body. This fungi is very interesting and for me it was the most interesting thing I ever searched on the internet. Also I researched about Cnideria and I learned so may things about it. Having the opportunity to go on the internet was very fun and cool because it gave us a chance to be curious and look for things that we might not have had the chance to learn about in biology. It gave us a chance to share our findings with the class so that everyone could learn and talk about it.
Question 2
After taking Biology 11 I have become more curious about the environment and things around me. I notice different things when I am outside that I didn't notice before and even when I am watching movies I see things that I have learned about in biology that I wouldn't have known about if I hadn't taken this course.
It makes me even more happy that whenever I go out and see things I know about I can happily share it with my family and friends especially to my little brother and cousins who are so curious to the things around them.
Assignment and completion: B
I know I did most of my blogposts but there were some that i didn't do. When we were looking through the microscopes I didn't post all of the pictures that we took of the slides. I also didn't post all of the bacteria posts, but all of the other posts I completed. It was only about 3 or 4 posts that I didn't do.
Assignment Quality: A
Even though I missed some blog posts all of the assignments that I did complete are done to the best of my capabilities. I put a lot of effort into my blog posts and making sure they were correct before I posted them and I didn't rush through any just to get them posted.
Skills: A
I feel like I have obtain a lot of new skill in biology. I really enjoyed looking through the microscopes and looking at all the different slides. I like that we stayed away from doing a lot of tests and instead doing a variety of different activities like cut and paste notes and going outside and looking for pine cones and acorns and dissecting. It was a new approach to learning and I really enjoyed it and felt that it still had the same values as doing tests and worksheets. This way was more interesting and more engaging for the class and myself. We got to voice out our curiosities and research and share together as a class.
Your Learning: A
Like I said before, this new approach to learning was really good. I felt more engaged in the things we were doing because we got to ask each other questions and be curious together. This wasn't about finding the answers to a certain question and writing it down for marks. This was more about what we wanted to learn and I liked it because I will be more involved and happy learning about the things I am interested in rather than someone just throwing a whole bunch of information at me.