Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Bacteria Structure

A- flagellum( creates a propeller like notion that drives the bacterium forward.)
B- capsule( storehouse for nutrients, a depot for cellular waste products, a protective shield against dehydration.)
C- cell wall( provides a rigid framework for the organism and helps determine its shape.)
D- cell membrane( holds many of the cell's enzymes.)
E- pilus( help anchor the bacterium to a surface.) 
F- mesosome( serves as a site for attachment of DNA during replication in bacterial reproduction.)
G- nucleoid( contains all the hereditary information of the cell and provides necessary instructions for producing the proteins essential to the life of cells.)
H- plasmid( smaller molecules if DNA.)
I- cytoplasm ( site if bacterial growth,metabolic reactions an reproduction.)
J- ribosome (sites of protein synthesis.)
K- granule( storage sites for starch, glycogen, lipid or other essential materials.)

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Bacterial Growth

For the second bacteria growth plate that we did my partners and I took bacteria from the bottom of a shoe. We rubbed the bacteria all over the plate with a cotton swab and made four sections. The first section is controlled , so all we did was put a piece of paper towel in the first quadrant. For the second quadrant, we soaked a piece of paper towel in bleach. The third quadrant, we soaked the paper towel in hand sanitizer, and the for the fourth quadrant we soaked the paper towel in vinegar. The purpose of this was to see which liquid kills bacteria the most. The results that we got was that the bleach kills the bacteria the most because there was the least amount of  bacteria growth in that quadrant.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Progress In Biology

The things I am most proud of in Biology so far are The Evolution chart, the Evolution video and the classification pictures we drew. The Evoltuion chart is something I am proud of becasue it was really confusing and took time to figure it out. But eventually my partner and I figured it out and I thought we did a good job on it. I am also proud of the Evoltution video my partner and I did becasue we had to make a video of ourselves explaing DNA, natural selection, the gene pool and speciation. It was kind of difficult because we kept messing up and had to keep redoing it, but it was a lot of fun to make the video and I think my partner and I did a good job. I thought the pictures we drew were good and I think we explained everything well. The classification pictures we drew are also something I am proud of because we had to draw 4 pictures for each speciation. My partner and I put a lot of effort into being creative and coming up with cool ideas. I think we did a good job on it. My binder is clean and organized. It is easy to read and access. So far I have three sections. One for Bacteria, one for DNA and another for viruses. I don't have any incomplete work. I have completed all the work that has been assigned and try to complete them on the day it is posted. I pay attention in class and follow instructions. I think my work habits are good. The blogs that I am proud of are the Animal Taxonomy, the Evolution and Natural Selection, and the Viruses. I am proud of the three blog posts the most because I had to do research for them and I learned the most from doing these blog posts.For the Animal Taxonomy blog I learned about the scientific names for different species. I learned about flamingos and why they have long necks and legs from the Evolution and Natural Selection blog and I learned about Malaria and how it is caused and how it effects humans from the Viruses blog. I also learned about the structure of viruses and if they are living or non-living from the viruses blog. To me engagment in class means being involved with discussions and asking/answering questions. An example of engaging in class is staing your opinion about something you learned in class. Asking questions about soemthing you don't understand is engaging in class.My goal for biology 11 is asking more questions and volunteering to do things.I hope to learn a lot more about living things becuase it is something that I find interesting. My biology 11 class is a bit different from all of the other science classes i've had because we dont take a lot of notes and we don't answer a lot of questions on paper. This is the first class I have had where we use blogs to post most of our work. I think using blogs is easier and less stressfull. I find it easier to explain things and talk about what I have learned. I like how we do a lot of projects instead of worksheets and tests.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Viruses- Malaria

Malaria is a disease transmitted by an infected female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria is transmitted in humans  through the bite of the mosquito. When a mosquito bites an infected person, a small amount of blood that contains the microscopic malaria parasites is taken, a week later when the mosquito has its next blood meal, the malaria parasites mix with the mosquito's saliva and is injected into the human that is bitten.

The symptoms of malaria are flu-like symptoms.This includes chills, headaches, muscle aches, tiredness, nausea, vomiting and diarreah. Malaria can also cause anemia and jaundice because of the loss of red blood cells. The symptoms begin 10 to 4 weeks after being bitten.

90% of malaria cases are from the tropics and sub-Saharan Africa and 10% of the cases are from India,Brazil, Afhganistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and China. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Evolution and Natural Selection part 2

Why do flamingos have long necks and legs? The legs of a flamingos help them stand in deep water where they can stir up the mud to get food. Their long necks help them reach deep down in the waters to get food.Thir broad webbed feet help them stand on soft or uneven surafces like mud. Their webbed feet also help keep themselves up and steer towards food. When flamingos are in water that is too deep to stand in they float on the surface. Another thing that helps them adapt to the environment are their beak and mouth structure. The bottom jaw is fixed and the top jaw moves. The inside egdes of the beak are lined with small bristles called lamellaes. They help them to filter the water by forcing out mud, silt and unwanted things. Another usefull thing is that flamingos can drink hot and salty water.Special glands next to their beaks excrete excess salt.

Evolution and Natural Selection Part 1

Why do flamingos have long necks and legs?

I think they have long necks and legs because their legs help them walk in the water and their long necks help them capture food without any difficulties.

Their long necks and legs give them an advantage in the water.