A- flagellum( creates a propeller like notion that drives the bacterium forward.)
B- capsule( storehouse for nutrients, a depot for cellular waste products, a protective shield against dehydration.)
C- cell wall( provides a rigid framework for the organism and helps determine its shape.)
D- cell membrane( holds many of the cell's enzymes.)
E- pilus( help anchor the bacterium to a surface.)
F- mesosome( serves as a site for attachment of DNA during replication in bacterial reproduction.)
G- nucleoid( contains all the hereditary information of the cell and provides necessary instructions for producing the proteins essential to the life of cells.)
H- plasmid( smaller molecules if DNA.)
I- cytoplasm ( site if bacterial growth,metabolic reactions an reproduction.)
J- ribosome (sites of protein synthesis.)
K- granule( storage sites for starch, glycogen, lipid or other essential materials.)